6 Drawer Wide Cart
$2,730.00 – $3,140.00ECA’s Wide carts add 7″ to your drawer space (left to right) All Wide carts are aluminum construction Includes free plastic top Choose from two locking options […]
Accessories for Five and Six Drawer Carts
Please call (800) 823-1490 to order this product.
Adjustable Catheter Wall Racks
$61.00 – $365.00Catheter Wall Racks are designed for organization, inventory control and excellent visibility, and are available with adjustable hooks. (Mounting screws/ bolts not included). Single and Double […]
Anti-Fatigue Mats
$106.00 – $634.00Our rubber anti-fatigue mats are durable and slip-resistant and offer better “bounce” than traditional vinyl foam mats. Resists most chemicals and common fluids Safety beveled edges […]
Back & End Screens
$41.00 – $236.00Our back and end screens are great accessories to add to our wire carts to keep products and devices from falling off the back and sides […]
Blue Label Holders for Wire Shelving and Carts
$4.00 – $18.00Another option for wire shelving, these labels allow for product identification and inventory control. Available in different sizes these labels fit on all ECA wire shelf […]
Cart Covers
Please call (800) 823-1490 or email CS@exchangecart.com to order this product.
Cart cover sizes and prices listed in the tables below are just examples and should not be ordered if your cart dimensions do not match the listed dimensions.
We do not charge customization fees for custom sizing. Custom covers’ pricing is based on materials used.
We are happy to provide quotes for custom covers – Please call or email us for details.
When measuring your cart(s) for covers, please measure Depth x Width x Height.
- -Depth – Front to back as you are facing the front of the cart
- -Width – Left to right as you are facing the front of the cart
- -Height – Top of cart to bottom of last shelf OR to just above the wheels. DO NOT include wheels in your height dimension. If the cart cover is ordered with overhang on the wheels, our warranty is null and void due to premature wear and tear that can be caused by the cover getting caught in the wheels.
Please provide true dimensions, including any end screens or back screens that are on the cart. You are responsible for providing accurate dimensions for your custom cart cover order. If the dimensions provided result in a cart cover that is baggy or ill-fitting and premature wear and tear results, ECA is not responsible for replacing the cart cover.
Cart Covers are NON-RETURNABLE.
Catheter Tubular Storage
$102.00 – $150.00These are sold in carton (CTN) quantity only. We do not sell these units individually. All listed sizes in the drop-down are 1-4 CTNS pricing. Please refer to table at the bottom of this page for carton pricing if ordering 5+ cartons. Please email purchase orders (and/or online order requests) to us at cs@exchangecart.com if ordering 5+ cartons.
Clam Shell Case Cart
$3,059.00Case cart doubles as a back table when opened Features and Specifications All Stainless Steel Construction Stainless steel wire pull-out shelves w/stops Eight – 5″ swivel […]
Clear Label Holders for Wire Shelving and Carts
$27.00 – $47.00Finally, an affordable solution for wire shelving. A flexible clear plastic holder that snaps on for a perfect fit. Retro fits most major manufacturers’ shelving with […]
Clear Shelf Mat
$27.00 – $33.00